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Topaz Paints
Car Paint and Supplies in Hastings, Hawke's Bay area
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Our address
614 Omahu Road,
Hawke's Bay, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
06 878 7288
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Services offered
Painting and Decorating Supplies Panel Beaters' Supplies
Expertised in Car Paint and Supplies
Colour Matching, Colour Consulting, Mixing
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Camberley, Hastings Area
Additional info
Enamel, Graffiti Remover, Paint Thinner, Polyurethane, Primer, Industrial Coatings, Solvent, Paint Stripper, Industrial, Marine, Commercial, 3M
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Topaz Paints are:
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Door screens.
“New screen for front door, amended screen for the back door. Very helpful advice during the quotation process and an excellent instalation. Peter Minor, Hamilton.”
Hello Miss Ashby
“My name is Raewyn Seamer and I am wanting some papers signed by a JP. Is it okay if I can come tomorrow to get the papers signed. My email address is [email protected]. and my phone number is 0211753255. Can you please send me your address so I know where to come if it is okay to get my papers signed. Thank you and kind regards to you, Yours Sincerely, Raewyn Seamer.”
“Not professional at all, kept saying he would come quote the job, but never showed up, kept dicking us around, decided to give our money to someone more reputable, your loss!”
“Constant stream of misleading promises....3 weeks and still waiting for a delivery from Auckland to Napier ....use someone else they are useless”