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Top Well Bakery
Bakers in Auckland area
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Our address
16 Glenmall Place,
North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
09 813 6288
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Services offered
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Areas serviced
we are providing services in Glen Eden, West Auckland
Additional info
Muffins, Gingerbread, Cake, Panini, Pies, Tea, Donuts, Buns, Bread, Homemade, Cake, Soft Drinks, Juice, Coffee
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Top Well Bakery are:
Closed now
Opens in 12 Hr 33 Min
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Good work and social experience
“Good and easy to communicate with, they have a lot of team working but could be better.”
Brendan Attril
“Talked to potential sharemilkers who applied for a job via fencepost in a way that his clients job offer would be unappealing to the applicant. Running down his client and their property as he said were "untidy and rundown" . Also very rude and inconciderate towards clients”
“I'm the owner of A1 ... Those customers that noticed one star for not cleaning up after my self what lie's. I never leave a mess, I only leave it if the owner tells me to leave it that there happy to clean up. I try my hardest and give 100 percent to my customers.”
“Terrible service from an extremely rude man who tried to rip us off by taking us the long way home and who didn’t like being challenged about it. Will ever use again.”
Thanks for standing with Aotearoa
“We appreciate your support in helping suppress the anti-vaxx protest at Parliament 👏👏👏”