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Tokoroa Taxi Cabs
General Business in Tokoroa, Waikato area
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Our address
Tokoroa ,
Waikato, South Waikato, North Island,
New Zealand Edit -
Our phone(s)
07 886 6099 Edit -
Our fax
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Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Tokoroa Taxi Cabs are:
Closed now
Opens in 1 Hr 42 Min
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“Have been trying to contact you by phone several times, and not getting any response to either of your numbers. 5784182 or5784192 even though these nunbers are listed on line. Would like reply. My number is 5764814. Neville Wilson.”
“To be told bookings and items are though Auckland branch 500 kms away tells me wellington branch can not think for themselves . ”
Passing of Bruce.
“Bruce died in 2015 so how someone can give a review in 2020 I'm not sure but perhaps the reviewer is in the same place as Bruce !”
“I accused your workers of stealing my phone. I was mistaken. Vanessa Sugrue”
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