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Tingle Auto Services Certified Truck Repairer
Truck Parts and Services in Auckland Region area
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Our address
20 Stock St New Lynn Auckland,
Auckland Region
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
09 827 1857
021 659 223
Our fax
09 827 3920
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Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Tingle Auto Services Certified Truck Repairer are:
Closed now
Opens in 11 Hr 51 Min
Services offered since 1999
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Areas serviced
we are providing services in New Lynn, New Lynn
Payment options
MasterCard, American Express, Cash, EFTPOS, Diner's Club, VISA
Additional info
Heaters, Headlights, Gaskets, Fuel Tanks, Fuel Injectors, Fuel Filters, Filters, Engines, Engine Bearings, Differentials, Diesel Engines, Clutch Plates, Clutch Kits, Chassis, Chains, Cambelts, Cables, CV Boots, Brakes, Bolts, Body Panels, Belts, Bearings, Batteries, Anti Lock Brakes, Air Pumps, Air Hoses, Air Filters, Air Brakes, Air Bags
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This is what customers say about Tingle Auto Services Certified Truck Repairer
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Literally run by a Nazi
“AVOID. The owner of this company has been imprisoned for hate crimes. https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/christchurch-shooting/111386125/nazithemed-company-beneficial-insulation-reported-to-police-after-christchurch-shootings”
“So disappointed in this service. I have John cash by the hour for the job upfront and left for an errand. As I left I noticed he was sitting on our balcony eating. The floor was unvacuumed, & dusty. ”
Absolute crap
“Just received a letter from this outfit for a family who left this address at least 20 years ago.”
“Would you mind.... please, if I had at least ONE completed appointment before I write a review. I'm not sure why you are asking for reviews from people not able to provide them. Quite weird. ap”
“Can’t Fault them at all from the service , to the amazing work , to the great communication definitely recommend”