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The Podiatry Clinic Limited
Podiatrists in Wellington Region area
Contact name
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Our address
Wellington Region 6011,
New Zealand Edit -
Our phone(s)
04 384 6821 Edit -
Our fax
04 384 7910 Edit -
Our website
podiatryclinic.co.nz Edit
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Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business The Podiatry Clinic Limited are:
Closed now
Opens in 0 Hr 5 Min
Services offered since 1978
No services selected yet.
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Paraparaumu, Kapiti Coast, Tawa, Upper Hutt, Lower Hutt, Waikanae, Kapiti, Porirua, Wellington Central Wellington, Wellington Central, Wellington Ci
Payment options
MasterCard, EFTPOS, Gift Vouchers, Credit Terms Available, Direct Credit (Internet banking, phone banking), Personal Cheques, Cash, VISA
Additional info
Orthotics, Forefoot, Heels, Arches
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This is what customers say about The Podiatry Clinic Limited
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Shoddy work
“Wouldn’t wSte my time having these wannabe painters painting my assets. Kindergarten children could do a better job.”
This guy is a POS
“Evicted at 99: How Betty Hooper took her landlord to the Tenancy Tribunal https://www.nzherald.co.nz/property/news/article.cfm?c_id=8&objectid=12455861”
“Over charged and under delivered. Didn't even fill the holes back in they'd left around the property ”
“Great value and high attention to detail- thank you!”