The McKinnon Group - Selwyn District Funeral Services
General Business in Canterbury area
Selwyn District Funeral Services
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817 Jones Road Rolleston
New Zealand
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Services offered since 2017
Funeral Directors, Business, funeral directors,
Expertised in General Business
funeral directors,
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A funeral service for the most part, is an unplanned life event and takes place at a time when we are least equipped to make very important decisions. It is so important that it is done well and is a fitting tribute to the person who has passed, creates good memories and aids our grieving process.
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business The McKinnon Group - Selwyn District Funeral Services are:
Opens in 0 Hr 35 Min
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About The McKinnon Group - Selwyn District Funeral Services
A funeral service for the most part, is an unplanned life event and takes place at a time when we are least equipped to make very important decisions. It is so important that it is done well and is a fitting tribute to the person who has passed, creates good memories and aids our grieving process.
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Poor Customer Service
“Very rude, abrupt, would talk over me and hung up when I asked for a time to drop car in.”