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Taupo Bay Plumbing and Drainlaying
Plumbers in Taupo Bay area
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Our address
Taupo Bay 0494,
Taupo Bay
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
09 406 1399
027 390 2071
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Services offered
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Expertised in Plumbers
Drainlaying, Maintenance, Installation, Repairs
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Taupo Bay, Mangonui Area
Additional info
Commercial, Hot Water Heaters, Showers, Toilets, Dishwashers, Sinks
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Taupo Bay Plumbing and Drainlaying are:
Open Now
Today: 09:00am-05:00pm
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This is what customers say about Taupo Bay Plumbing and Drainlaying
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Great Service
“Prompt service ,clean & tidy serviceman fixed and checked 3 tv for us replace Freeview all working great now Many thanks”
“Shopped here a lot, but just refused a refund 20 minutes after $50 purchase because son realized it wasnt the right product after all. Incredibly mean spirited - will never shop here again and will make sure friends and colleagues don't either. What a sh*t way to treat your customers.”
“Paul Johnson has been dealing with my son for 15 years, have always felt confident with his work”
Unvaxxed = unclean.
“Seems this service thinks ok to discriminate against those people who choose not to take part in a world wide experimental drug programme. Disgusting behaviour. If they ever wondered where they would have stood in 1933 - now they know.”