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Symphony Projects Limited

Property Development and Investment in Auckland area

Availability/ Opening hours

The shopping hours and days of the business Symphony Projects Limited are:


Closed now

Opens in 2 day 13 Hr 4 Min

Services offered since 2013

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Expertised in Property Development and Investment

Advice, Land Planning, Design, Marketing, Land Development, Investing

Areas serviced

we are providing services in Auckland Central, Auckland City

Payment options

No payment options defined yet. 

Additional info

Land, Estates, Hotels, Subdivisions, Houses, Offices, Industrial, Residential, Commercial

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An awsome cleaning company

“I was caught out with a no notice house cleaning inspection, and didn't like my chances of finding a cleaner with only an hour or two notice. All cleaning companies contacted, apart from Katies, said no way can we help, but Katies said "We'll see if we can juggle things around so we can help" and they did! An hour later, there they were at the door ready to work. You guys saved my bacon, and I'll tell that to anyone who will listen. Definitely be using you again. Thank you so much.”

Maria Elliott Post Haste Couriers

Terrible delivery person

“Delivery in Stratford is discussing at the moment, mine and several other packages were left at an address for them to deliver? Whoever you have delivering packages at the moment in Stratford is blatantly lazy. This is my 2nd complaint in two weeks. The 1st being over the phone. I'm sure mine won't be the only one. Please make sure the delivery person is doing his job correctly.”

They were so lovely!

“I had taken my 6 year old to point England dentist and they'd left my daughter in a lot of pain. I called this clinic and they were more than happy to help. All fixed. Highly recommended”

Burnt in w.d price care!!!

“Absolutely heart broken my vehicle gets gets stolen then recoverd by these people and 3months later they say hey your cars ready to be picked up.... But hey there's been a fire and your cars been burnt in there care and they ain't doing anything about it . I'm devastated to the fullest degree. It's not my fault you's parked a car next to mine and it blew up... North sales Ford ranger to be precise!”


“Awesome service, guaranteed to fix your back and neck. Suffered for so long, now I just go when I think I need to go.”