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Storm Roofing LTD
Roofing Contractors in Christchurch, Canterbury area
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Our address
20 Parkhouse Road,
Canterbury, South Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
03 348 6450
021 350 201
Our fax
03 348 8452
Our website
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Services offered
No services selected yet.
Expertised in Roofing Contractors
Roof Certifications, Renovations, Re-roofing, Building Maintenance
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Darfield, Woodend, Burnham, Leeston, Christchurch, Ashburton, Rolleston, Templeton
Payment options
Cash, Personal Cheques, Direct Credit (Internet banking, phone banking)
Additional info
Butynol, Zinc, Steel, Iron, Concrete, Clay, Residential, Commercial, Shingles, Membrane, Galvanised, Corrugated, Bitumen, 3-tab Shingles, Coatings, Longrun, Waterproof, Scaffolding, Zincalume, Skellerup, Monier, Colorsteel
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Storm Roofing LTD are:
Open Now
Today: 08:00am-05:00pm
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Dismissive and rude
“Debbie (owner)replied to my enquiry of 5 question with a dismissive answer of “No sorry”. Very unhelpful. Only got 1 star because I had to give them something to post review”
“playing music extremely loud and has no respect for other neighbours ”
“I bought pork sausages on my way home yesterday and best I've had in many a year.”
Went to him few years ago he was AMAZING
“Miss His Treatments and Guidance.I don’t drive anymore now.and it’s very difficult to get out to his rooms. BUT would definitely encourage folk to go see him with physical and mental health challenges. Miss you Johnny.”