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Stewarts Electrical Supplies
Electrical Supplies in Hastings, Hawke's Bay area
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Our address
404 Miller Street,
Hawke's Bay, North Island,
Our phone(s)
06 870 9326
Our fax
06 870 9340
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we are providing services in Hastings, Hastings Area
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Terminals, Switches, Switchboards, Street Lights, Sensors, Motors, Lighting, Inverters, Fuses, Enclosure Systems, Arresters, Antennae, Air Conditioners, Industrial, Commercial
The shopping hours and days of the business Stewarts Electrical Supplies are:
Open Now
: 07:30am-05:00pm
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This is what customers say about Stewarts Electrical Supplies
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“How to register to become a client and how much it will cost to see the doctor.”
Delivery and installation of dishwasher
“These guys were amazing! Really friendly and so good at their jobs, we have tricky access to house and the old dishwasher was hard to remove but they got on and did it quickly and didn’t leave a mess. Thank you!!”
HIghly recommended
“Donella Jones Design have been highly prefessional and their creative outlook on grahpic design is just brilliant. Donella Jones Design is taking our business to the next level.”
“Constant stream of misleading promises....3 weeks and still waiting for a delivery from Auckland to Napier ....use someone else they are useless”