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Stebbings Auto Services
Automotive Repairs in Motueka, Tasman area
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Our address
396 High Street,
Tasman, South Island,
New Zealand
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03 528 9896
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Opens in 5 Hr 28 Min
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“Donna and Schalk always go the extra mile to help out and get the job done right; wel above and beyond what's expected! And Schalk really knows his stuff. Can't recommend these highly enough. ”
“The owners are friendly and know their regulars well. Can always find what I'm looking for. ”
“The woman in the office was unhelpful, rude and patronising. I asked if there I could have help loading the bags in the car and she said That was fine. When she came out to load them she started by picking up a bag of offcuts - which I had not purchased. When I pointed out I’d purchased the pine and Oregon, she told me to load the bags of pine and she’d do the Oregon. When I said I couldn’t because I have a bad back, she said she did too. She loading the 4 bags begrudgingly.”
“I am so thankful to Elaine for being so accommodating and seeing to my request immediately, after a couple of my failed tries at 2 JP clinics on the North Shore, due to services being over subscribed. Elaine was very pleasant and efficient at her task. Thank you very much.”
“Chris & Sally are top class hairdressers. Chris is second to none, his cutting is outstanding. I now live in the UK but on my return to Palmy its a must to visit Chris for a proper cut. Lady Pom”