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Aluminium Products in Auckland area
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Our address
17 Justin Place,
North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
0800 355 366
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Services offered
No services selected yet.
Expertised in Aluminium Products
Fabrication, Design, Joinery, Maintenance, Extrusions, Repairs, Extrusion,Motion picture film or tape production
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Tauranga Area
Additional info
Residential, Commercial, Sliding Windows, Windows, Bars, Bars, Doors, Sheeting
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Spectrum are:
Closed now
Opens in 12 Hr 54 Min
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Thumbs up! A+++
“can’t thank you enough our car is doing great the clicking sounds is gone when you change the oil we thought there’s something wrong with the gear box what a great relief thank you so much especially to sebastiaan, highly recommended worth the travel and works done in less than an hour :) thank you once again!”
Poor service
“Contact was made via Builderscrack, Inc arrangement for site visit. Quote was sent and accepted then refused by Mr Sandless after I awarded job via Builderscrack. Reason being Lianne thought it was a private job even though she had contacted me via BC. So I'm left with no one to do my floors because they did not want to pay the commission to BC. I chose to list through BC in order to only have contact from someone that actually wanted the job but still ended up feeling shafted.”
Terrible and dishonest.
“On purchasing a Subaru Outback, faults were found in an AA report which were promised to be fixed before pickup. They lied saying they had fixed them before the sale when they had not done so. On pick up of the car, I found further engine faults which they promised to rectify however never have, even with multiple follow up calls. Do not buy a vehicle from them, they are not trustworthy. They are a mechanic shop selling multiple cars under the pretence that that had been their personal vehicles.”
Excellent good planning by the legend
“Couldn't have been better on time and effective”