Specialised Cleaning Solutions
Cleaning Equipment in Welcome Bay, Tauranga area
Commercial cleaning service in Tauranga
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22 Avon Ris
Welcome Bay, Tauranga
New Zealand
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Services offered since 1990
Cleaning Chemicals, Commercial cleaning service in Tauranga
Expertised in Cleaning Equipment
cleaning service
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master Card
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Commercial cleaning service in Tauranga
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Specialised Cleaning Solutions are:
Opens in 2 day 17 hours 44 minutes
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About Specialised Cleaning Solutions
specialised Cleaning Solutions is an industry leader in skilled decontamination and specific cases of remediation. We provide our Commercial cleaning service in Tauranga clients with specially tailored solutions that are made to suit the situation and the client’s requirements - no matter how difficult the circumstances. SCS provides remediation and cleaning services for crime/forensic scenes, accident and trauma scenes, hazardous and contaminated environments, rental property restorations, hoarding cleanup and odour removal and much more. We pride ourselves on having the right personnel, expertise, training and equipment to perform the job at hand efficiently and effectively."
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“Paid 1200 to get new bumper guard as it needed to be replaced he didn't put my spots in place which resulted in it melting the new piece I just paid for him to replace. He's now not responding and blaming me saying it's a "electrical fault" when it clearly isn't it just wasn't in tack properly. Am going through the process of taking him to tribunal Highly do it recommend him.”
“Tell your driver on John's rd at 6.30 to stop texting while driving or further action will be taken”
“Awesome friendly service. Totally recommend them.”
“Crew culture is 4 stars excellent. 4 stars excellent all professional. Yes i am happy”
“Diana is old school... contactable by home Ph & snail mail. We eloped from Aus 9 yrs ago & had never met face to face. Diana was fantastic! Professional yet fun. Personalised vows. Thanks Diana!”