Skypix Aerial Photography
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“I found the owner David to be rude and the job was poorly done. I would recommend looking elsewhere.”
“Threatens customers for missed appointments and stalks them to find out their place of work. Highly unproffessional.”
“Looking for the hand for that was produced by the Campbell Tool Company and which is no longer available sadly. Did they pass on the right to produce them or is there anywhere I can purchase one. As a 77 year old female gardener, I can honestly say this was the best handwork I ever used, and disappointingly my last 2 have vanishe. is is thrdener”
Never fucking again
“pull in the would turn petrol on go you have to use prepay i was paying cash ive bee n going here for 12 years but will never go to your FUCKING shit cafe again cas YOUR NO FUCKING SERVICE STATION PS FUCK YOU Z”
We ALWAYS use happy cat
“for 10 or so years now with the first owners and then about 6 or so years since Jenny and Gavin have had it. Caring and always willing to fit in with dates or urgent drop offs, as well as administering medicines. And it certainly seems to be always busy so a thriving business,,,well done you two sorry to hear you are selling!...From Mr Poo...you know who !”