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Shoes Unlimited
Footwear Retailers in Wanaka, Otago area
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Our address
80 Ardmore Street,
Otago, Queenstown Lakes, South Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
03 443 5077
Our fax
Our website
No website yet.
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Services offered since 2002
No services selected yet.
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Wanaka, Wanaka Area
Payment options
MasterCard, American Express, EFTPOS, Travellers Cheques, Direct Credit (Internet banking, phone banking), Direct Debit, Gift Vouchers, Personal Cheques
Additional info
Tramping, Business, Athletic, Casual, Contemporary, Outdoor, Dance, Formal, Work, Hunting, Large, Wide, Narrow, Plus Sizes, Sandals
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Shoes Unlimited are:
Closed now
Opens in 15 Hr 20 Min
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Home away from Home in Tailends Cattery
“Our furbaby has been going to his home away, at Tailends, for nearly 16yrs. The Apartments are beautifully appointed with well thought out comforts of home. The cattery with it's internal garden courtyard, captures the sun beautifully. The rural surrounding bush & birdlife is unique for this awesome cattery at Matakatia on the Whangaparaoa peninsula. We highly recommend.”
“John is an experienced lawyer who has worked to gain me a protection and parenting order. His diverse legal experience and knowledge is a huge asset. He was strategic, I’m very happy with results.”
“Many medication errors by staff and management cover up. Lack of training and support. Protocols staff /client ratios are not adhered to. ”
“All work done to our "embassy-level" quality requirements. Artistic, formal, comprehensive, knowledgeable beyond belief, hard-working, topped-up with superb advice.”
Horrible. Awful
“The WORST customer service I have ever experienced in my life!! Staff were rude, uninterested in helping me or providing a solution to my problem, and had a don’t care attitude!! I had to get the POLICE involved to get the product I ordered that they refused to give me!! I will NEVER NEVER EVER EVER go back there!! My advice: go elsewhere or contact Spark online. The call centre staff were lovely and tried to find a solution for me by calling the store, to no avail. Steer clear of them!!”