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Scammell Painting and Decorating Limited
General Business in Ashburton area
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Our address
163 Hollands Rd,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
027 273 2803
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Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Scammell Painting and Decorating Limited are:
Open Now
Today: 09:00am-05:00pm
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“I love the lime juice! Had a taste at the Kiwigrass festival in Hamilton. ”
“Hopeless, cancelled first appointment, no show for second appointment, don't answer the phones”
Owner retired
“Bryant watch centre closed its doors 3 years ago. Geoff and Robyn have retired. We have not been at the Victoria Street address for over 10 years. Complain to this company if you have been inconvenienced by this unapproved listing.”
“I saw that post on the local grapevine about the arena works sounds like a total dirt bag.... some one said he’s gone to Whanganui, so hopefully out of the area...”
“HSL do not pay their debts. They have sublet the front factory and are now refusing to pay the lease due to financial difficulty. They can still pay a Lawyer to avoid paying their debt.”