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Samalia Mr K P
Medical Specialists in Dunedin area
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Our address
72 Newington Ave,
New Zealand
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03 467 6605
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Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Samalia Mr K P are:
Open Now
Today: 09:00am-05:00pm
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“Dirty place. Young had no idea how to do massage. Staff very rude. I have a very bad experience. It was not a Thai massage rather than the sex industry service. It should not promote on your page”
Mal-addressed mail recieved
“No discernable web presence for return / followup - odd ?”
“Pauanui Service Centre saved us in a stressful moment! Amazing service and so friendly.”
Very Exciting! Carpets like shown online
“Very nice carpets, correspond to the pictures here, fast delivery, will definitely order again! Highly recommended!”