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SS Homes
Architectural Designers in Haumoana, Hawke's Bay area
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Our address
154 Beach Road,
Hawke's Bay, Hastings, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
06 875 1127
021 333150
Our fax
06 8751129
Our website
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Services offered since 2013
Expertised in Architectural Designers
Building Consents, Alterations, Draughting, Construction, Planning, CAD, Consulting, Design, Renovations, Interior Design
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Haumoana, Haumoana
Additional info
New Houses, New Construction, Residential, Commercial, Building Consents
Availability/ Opening hours
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Opens in 12 Hr 10 Min
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“Always great and efficient love having before and after pics”
“You owe my cousin money from lawns you never mowed after payments had stopped, lawyers have contacted you. Pay up you rip offs. ”
“The experience was unpleasant, I found her not professional what so ever. She has a rather negative domineer about her. I would highly not recommend if you are seeking any genuine help”
“Have an appointment for glass replacement @10:00am & it took them 6 hours and a half before they said that I can get the job done at 4:30pm. Very poor service ”
You have some wicked courage
“Providing help for both communities so the protesters can protest and everybody else can keep on keeping on.”