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General Business in Levin, Manawatu-Wanganui area
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Our address
187 Oxford Street, State Highway 1, 1,
Manawatu-Wanganui, Horowhenua, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
06 368 7182
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Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Ryder's are:
Open Now
Today: 09:00am-05:00pm
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“Best fish and chips! Tasty, crispy, consistent, well drained, great quality! Friendly kiwi owners and staff. Reasonably priced highly recommend ”
“Dawn journeyed life with us and caught all five of our boys. Our last were twins and because of her experIence I was able to birth them naturally. Dawn is a warm caring woman with a wealth of experience. She is professional and was an amazing advocate at a time when I was feeling vulnerable.”
Please Explain
“Your customers are wondering "A nearby auto-mechanics building, Fitzgerald Auto Point on Grant Rd in Thorndon, acted as an off-site kitchen to prepare food for the protesters."”
Simply the Best
“Well worth the investment. I asked Kishor to design a gate similar to one seen elsewhere. He followed the idea but came up with something much better. I liked the way he checked with me throughout the process, mocking up the gate before welding and suggesting improvements. Once built he fitted it beautifully, it swings like a dream and every time I see it I am delighted.”
Neck and shoulder pain
“I have been going to Phillip for a few years now after many years of chronic pain. He's very good and I will be very sorry when he retires!”