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Rosedale Road Osteopaths
Osteopaths in Auckland area
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Our address
331 Rosedale Road,
North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
09 448 2684
Our fax
09 4482685
Our website
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Services offered since 2013
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Areas serviced
we are providing services in Albany, Albany
Additional info
Children, Adults, Head, Feet, Ankles, Muscles, Elbows, Chest, Back, Joints, Knees, Legs
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Rosedale Road Osteopaths are:
Closed now
Opens in 10 Hr 8 Min
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“Don't trust Michael Smith as he is a trickster & a con-artist.He makes up completely fabricated stories & tells you want you want to hear - from some sick sense of satisfaction? Or just to be evil? ”
“Awesome service, guaranteed to fix your back and neck. Suffered for so long, now I just go when I think I need to go.”
Best coffee ever! our
“Just had to buy the beans after trying the coffee in a lovely wee cafe in Terau. I have almost finished my packet of plunger ccoffee and dont want to drink any other brand so trying to order some on line!”
Poor workmanship and service
“We had two bathrooms tiled floor to ceiling in a new build architectural house. We were left with chipped tiles and also some tiles that were drumming(not glued down adequately) . We have had to make an insurance claim for the removal of all floor tiles& replacement along with underfloor heating elements which involves the removal of toilets, vanities and bath. Would not recommend Todd Mudie's to anyoine.”
Not good.Had one nurse change a dressing
“and another nurse who spoke to me for about 5 minutes - Total cost - $56 dollars - unbelievable - will not go again.”