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Rockgas Hamner Springs
Gas in Hanmer Springs area
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Our address
154 Hanmer Springs Rd,
Hanmer Springs
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
03 315 7107
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“Many medication errors by staff and management cover up. Lack of training and support. Protocols staff /client ratios are not adhered to. ”
Rowyn from Whangarei Mobile Locksmiths
“Browyn was so unhelpful, didn't listen, wouldn't let me speak to a locksmith and offered no soultions, Rude. CRAP service.”
Podiatrist in my home, very good service
“Rachel is very professional and friendly, she is excellent and takes great care. This is important to me as an elderly person.”
Flawless and faultless
“In my own personal experience with Mike Kilbride, I felt extremely comfortable with his representation and trusted him without an iona of doubt, an absolute professional with his work and representation...if you want a barrister/lawyer for anything that requires the full attention and dedication then Mike Kilbride is your guy..10/10....”