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Barristers and Solicitors in Auckland area
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Our address
33 Shortland St,
New Zealand
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09 362 7050
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Expertised in Barristers and Solicitors
Adoptions, Licencing, Wills, Trusts, Leasing, Asset Protection
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Auckland Central, Auckland City
Additional info
Solicitors, Barristers, Insurance Law, Employment Law, Business Law, Property Law, Family Law, Estate Law, Financing
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Robertsons are:
Open Now
Today: 09:00am-05:00pm
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Happy customer
“My sister recommended treeworkz to me after she had some work done by Stu. Good communication The best quote by far! Awesome employees Went beyond what was expected! Excellent job! HIGHLY RECOMMEND shop around for your quotes, we would have been out of pocket by $1000 if we went with the first one.”
“Non jundgemental , doesn't stigmatize, really helps with teeth and addiction problems , just one bad thing she reminds me of some I use to know who was a malignant c**t but over would highly recommend if you hate your self”
Hello Miss Ashby
“My name is Raewyn Seamer and I am wanting some papers signed by a JP. Is it okay if I can come tomorrow to get the papers signed. My email address is [email protected]. and my phone number is 0211753255. Can you please send me your address so I know where to come if it is okay to get my papers signed. Thank you and kind regards to you, Yours Sincerely, Raewyn Seamer.”
“Looking for the hand for that was produced by the Campbell Tool Company and which is no longer available sadly. Did they pass on the right to produce them or is there anywhere I can purchase one. As a 77 year old female gardener, I can honestly say this was the best handwork I ever used, and disappointingly my last 2 have vanishe. is is thrdener”
“From the media she seems like a condensing entitled piece of shit”