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Richmond Health Centre
Medical Clinics in Richmond, Tasman area
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Our address
40A Oxford Street,
Tasman, South Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
03 544 2255
Our fax
03 544 1461
Our website
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Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Richmond Health Centre are:
Open Now
Today: 08:00am-05:30pm
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Podiatrist in my home, very good service
“Rachel is very professional and friendly, she is excellent and takes great care. This is important to me as an elderly person.”
“I'm the owner of A1 ... Those customers that noticed one star for not cleaning up after my self what lie's. I never leave a mess, I only leave it if the owner tells me to leave it that there happy to clean up. I try my hardest and give 100 percent to my customers.”
Residential roads not race tracks
“company sign written vehicle tailgating, dangerously overtaking and aggressive posturing... not the kind of people want to spend money with.”