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RS Tailoring

Clothing Alterations and Repairs in Hamilton, Waikato area

Availability/ Opening hours

The shopping hours and days of the business RS Tailoring are:


Open Now

Today: 09:00am-05:00pm

Services offered since 1997


Expertised in Clothing Alterations and Repairs

Shortening, Adjustments

Areas serviced

we are providing services in Nawton, Hamilton

Payment options

Cash, Personal Cheques

Additional info

Silk, Cotton, Wedding Dresses, Uniforms, Trousers, Skirts, Shirts, Formal Wear, Cuffs

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Not reliable at all

“This company in all the time Ive been with them now over two years (after such shocking service from waste management) are very unreliable - only twice has my bin been picked up on time !!! constantly late often sits out kerbside an entire month and only way is to email them - always quoting access issues/ or picking up other peoples bins and still being charged. EVERY MONTH I HAVE AN ISSUE - and their account/statement system is so confusing you cant keep up with their debits. NOT GOOD ENOUGH.”

Margaret Jowett Counter Concepts Limited


“Stuffed up hob for hole. Then came and patched it leaving big gaps all round. Came a second time to fix and while sealed is not the new bench I paid for. I am still waiting to hear back on a resolution for the botched bench. I would not recommend”

Great service - came to the rescue

“I deleted photos from SD card accidentally and and Chris was able to recover all of them. Photos were from a trip to the Garden Festival and not easily replaced. Highly recommend Chris at Xympl”


“They are awesome service and cater there packs for small families and within my price range thank you guys”

Trying to pay a debt

“So i ask for help to pay my debt. Man must know my phone number. I refuse request and ask for another way to identify myself apparently there is no other way to help me. Address is not an option so they cant find you even though they sent you a debt to you. I explained you didnt have the phone number to send the mail. And why do i wantyou to have my number. Its been awhile since i seen the bill and it is gnawing at me to take care of it. And because im attempting to do that no one wants to help”