Pt Chevalier Family Dentist
Dentists in Auckland area
PT Chevalier Family Dentist
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Our address
2 Carrington Road, Cnr of Great north and Carrington Road Pt Chevalier Auckland
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
09 846 7777
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Services offered since 0000
Dental Clinics, Dental Services, Beauty, Care & Health, Root Canal Treatment, Tooth Whitening, Experienced Dentist, Partial Tooth Dislodgement
Expertised in Dentists
Areas serviced
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Additional info
PT Chevalier Family Dentist is one-stop solution for all your dental treatment. We provide highly skilled dental treatment in Auckland at affordable charges. Call us at (09) 846 7777 for more information.
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Pt Chevalier Family Dentist are:
Opens in 1 day 0 hours 6 minutes
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About Pt Chevalier Family Dentist
Pt. Chevalier offer complete dental care by using hi-tech dental equipment and products, covering a wide spectrum of dental and cosmetic services.
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Don't get too ecxited
“Never before have we been cheated and deceived in this way by a company that are dealing with families, with moms, dads, and kids, who just want to find themselves a nice house. Out of the blue, and without any reason at all, Focus Property Management just offered the house to someone else... the next applicant on the list! After everything we did and all our commitments. We were offered the house, we accepted the terms, we received the contract, everything was agreed and settled”
Playing loud music and obscene language.
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Great service everytime
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Equestrians who know their stock
“Very helpful and friendly staff that found a good solution for me. I recommend this Saddlery.”