ProofVision Specialists In Waterproof Electronics
General Business in New South Wales area
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9 / 77 Gil proofvision
New South Wales
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Services offered since 1998
Products, Bathrooms Tvs
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The shopping hours and days of the business ProofVision Specialists In Waterproof Electronics are:
Opens in 7 day 8 hours 10 minutes
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About ProofVision Specialists In Waterproof Electronics
Welcome to ProofVision. We are experts in waterproof electronics, including bathroom and shower TVs, waterproof TV enclosures and outdoor TVs.
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Great place
“I have been taking my dogs here for the last 21 years. My first beagle was purchased from the owner when he was breeding beagles. My current three love going to visit. It is a great place the boys have freedom and they are always happy to see Peter. I would highly recommend this place.”
“Maree offers a professional experienced service. This was my first time ever that I had sought therapy for my long suffering feet. I just expected them to do what they've always done and wow have they taken a pounding. They started complaining so much I had to listen. Maree has helped me so much not just heal my aching feet but enabled me to appre iate and connect with them, hoping to never take them for granted again.”
“The place is filthy. The fridge freezers still had blood in them, and didnt go properly. The toilets were never cleaned properly, the recreation room was used as the managers private bar, lots of permanents, some love but some toxic. The disabled toilet was illegal, and the women's toilets would often smell. The kitchen was dirty and cold with ovens that did not work properly. How it passed Council inspections I don't know. Don't go.”