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Prestige Joinery Limited
Kitchen Fittings and Design in Masterton, Wellington area
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Our address
140 Perry Street,
Wellington, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
06 377 1331
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Services offered since 1994
No services selected yet.
Expertised in Kitchen Fittings and Design
Cabinet Making, Manufacturing, Consulting, Design, Custom Work, Installation
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Johnsonville, Upper Hutt, Lower Hutt, Petone, Whitby, Wellington City Wellington, Wellington City
Payment options
Cash, Direct Credit (Internet banking, phone banking), Personal Cheques
Additional info
Bathrooms, Laundry Rooms, Commercial, Windows, Special Windows, Wall Cabinets, Wall Units, Doors, Stairs, Joinery, Interior Windows, Kitchen Cabinets, Cabinets, Showroom
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Prestige Joinery Limited are:
Closed now
Opens in 4 Hr 31 Min
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“They fit us in very last minute for an oil change Allowed us to continue on our road trip with only a minor hold up and we really appreciated it.”
This guy is a POS
“Evicted at 99: How Betty Hooper took her landlord to the Tenancy Tribunal https://www.nzherald.co.nz/property/news/article.cfm?c_id=8&objectid=12455861”
Excellent floor sander
“A top notch job with extensive knowledge of woodworking”
Rapidly deteriorating in quality
“Do not care about client safety and comfort. Demanding tips in addition to ride price. With all my respect, they hire migrants who need any job, as I never heard about great taxi drivers from Somali. All management is single nationality and it is not a English, or Maori, or NZ European gentlemen - nothing against this fact, bit in our time of multicultural approach there should be some locals there? Most recent reviews are very negative, company is far from standards of profession...”
“Tony and Karen Boyd from Sparkn Electricial are very nice to deal with untill they land the job, no shows, unkeeped promises and over charging well passed the quoted price is just how they operate! ”