Premium Clean
Carpet and Furniture Cleaning in Auckland Ellersille area
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Our address
37 Wilkinson Road
Auckland Ellersille
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
0800 786 780
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Services offered since 2019
Cleaners Commercial, Cleaners Domestic, Cleaning Equipment, Curtain Cleaning, carpetcleaningauckland, carpetcleaningchristchurch, carpetcleaningwellington, steamcleaning, windowcleaningwellington, windowcleaningauckland, upholsterycleaning, commercialcleaning, commercialcleaningauckland, endoftenancycleaningauckland, endoftenancycleaning
Expertised in Carpet and Furniture Cleaning
Cleaning Services
Areas serviced
Auckland 1060 Ellersille, New Zealand
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Availability/ Opening hours
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Today: 24 hr
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About Premium Clean
Premium Clean is New Zealand’s #1 Most Trusted Cleaning Service. We can free you from your weekly cleaning chores so you can focus on other essential aspects of your life. Spend more quality time with your family and friends.
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“Dave is one of the best digger operators i have used over the last 50yrs. Highly recommended”
Wrong way round.
“When installing a Legacy-Tekapo toilet roll holder we found the instructions put the base plate recesses horizontally they need to be top and bottom (vertically).We now have an extra hole in the wall, but were lucky the fully assembled holder has covered it.The grub screw with the allen key to do it up is a nightmare where as an ordinary slot for a flat screwdriver would be far easier and less damaging to freshly painted walls.”