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34 Maadi Road
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022 133 0298
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Best for Pest Control in Napier
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PestControlNapier.co.nz offers premium pest control solutions for Napier's homes and businesses, ensuring safe, effective, and lasting relief from unwanted pests.
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About PestControlNapierconz
PestControlNapier.co.nz offers premium pest control solutions for Napier's homes and businesses, ensuring safe, effective, and lasting relief from unwanted pests.
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“Reg Horner has fixed my wind-up watches and clocks for a few years now and I cant recommend him highly enough. He has moved to Fairley, but I still send my things to him. Thanks Reg :) Diane Lowe”
Motor vehicle warrant and service
“found this business to be very friendly and helpful. Pleasant to deal with and very knowledgable”
Best decision ever for selling our house
“We had 3 empty rooms in our house. Staging them meant the potential buyers could imagine what was possible. The style flowed with the rest of the house because Viviene ensured there was continuity throughout. The Staging was stylish, clean lines, and made the rooms so warm and inviting. The service was outstanding! Efficient, professional and friendly! Highly recommend Ultimate Staging!”