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Papatahi Farmstays
Farmstays and Homestays in Kairaki, Canterbury area
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Our address
3 Featherston Avenue, Featherstone Avenue,
Canterbury, Waimakariri, South Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
06 307 7723
Our fax
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Our website
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Services offered
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Areas serviced
we are providing services in Featherston Area
Additional info
Cottages, Farms, Self Contained, Views, Home-hosted, Non-smoking, Guest Rooms, Laundry Facilities, Garden, Kitchen, Animals, Hair Dryers, Coffee Makers, Internet Access, Refrigerators
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Papatahi Farmstays are:
Closed now
Opens in 4 Hr 5 Min
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Very good
“I has no problem with cheques finance for long times”
“Very disappointing. Had to wait 4 hours for them to send paperwork through . It appears that they are still using fax machine when new protocol asked 6 months ago not to and send emails instead.. lack of communication within each medical centers .”
“My furniture has been restored to perfection; an outstanding result with furniture I thought was p[assed its use by date!”
“Non jundgemental , doesn't stigmatize, really helps with teeth and addiction problems , just one bad thing she reminds me of some I use to know who was a malignant c**t but over would highly recommend if you hate your self”
“My kids love it here. Small, great new teachers, yummy nutritional food - I highly recommend this Centre”