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PTS Logistics Limited
Car Transporters in Auckland area
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Our address
North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
09 622 0904
0274 438 728
Our fax
09 6220905
Our website
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Services offered since 1976
Heavy Haulage Transport Operators
Expertised in Car Transporters
Storage, Removals, Bulk Hauling, Hauling, Transportation, Equipment Transport, Heavy Hauling, Long Distance Transportation
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Nationwide, Local, Regional, Auckland, CBD, Orewa, Albany, Henderson, Mt, Roskill, St, Helliers, Howick, Manukau, Manurewa, Remuera, Auckland City
Payment options
MasterCard, VISA, Cash, Direct Credit (Internet banking, phone banking), Credit Terms Available, Direct Debit
Additional info
ATVs, Cars, Caravan, Dirt Bikes, Cargo Vans, Auger Trucks, Boats, Forklifts
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business PTS Logistics Limited are:
Closed now
Opens in 12 Hr 48 Min
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“So many dogs lost and killed here. Owner doesn’t give a fuck and blames everything on his marriage breakup”
Slave wages
“Pink fit hastings is paying staff shit wages the staff member didn't no how to put batts in don't hire this company is the worse thing I've come across in my 28 years in building”