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Overlocking Services
Carpet and Vinyl Contractors in Hastings, Hawke's Bay area
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Our address
1418 Woodstock Avenue,
Hawke's Bay, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
06 878 8503
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Expertised in Carpet and Vinyl Contractors
Advice, Maintenance, Repairs, Laying, Floor Preparation, Replacement, Stretching
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Mayfair, Hastings Area
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Free Quotes, Schools, Houses, Restaurants, Offices, Free Quotes, Residential, Commercial
Availability/ Opening hours
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Opens in 3 Hr 19 Min
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Pedicure with spa
“Very disappointed. I paid $48 and they not doing anything. Even I said look at the other staff how she was doing. And the guy he not responded good. Even tehy not doing proper massage. Waste my money. Staff also very rude. They not even concentrate what we are saying. My friend she paid $108 medicure and pedicure with massage. She is also disappointed.”
Needs to remove my cellphone number
“Number 021432294 my number I get a million calls asking if I’m halls cleaning service, update your shit”
Really great experience
“Mark is a friendly professional dental technician. I am thrilled with the work he did on my partial plate. So natural and given me back a big broad smile. 100 % recommend him. 👌”
Incompetent, disorganised and conceited
“Absolutely abysmal service. Doesn't listen and is very disorganised. Appears to have no administrative support so you'll be paying her excessive hourly rate so she can type poorly written emails and double book your appointments. I realise that she already has a poor reputation in Nelson (and now NZ) but my review is entirely based on her substandard service which is, quite frankly, unprofessional. AVOID at all costs.”