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Orongo Bay Homestead
Motels and Lodges in Russell, Northland area
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Our address
Aucks Road,
Northland, Far North, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
09 403 7527
Our fax
+64 9 403 7675
Our website
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Services offered since 2013
No services selected yet.
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Russell, Russell Area
Additional info
Beach, Kitchens, Lodge, Decks, Spas, Beach, Alarm Clocks, Ironing Boards, Microwave Ovens, DVD Players, Cots, Coffee Makers, Internet Access, Fans, Heaters
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Orongo Bay Homestead are:
Closed now
Opens in 15 Hr 21 Min
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The Best
“This is the best and easiest ice to use, by far, because of the size and shape of the cubes.”
Amazing finish 😉👍👍
“I coukdnt believe the finish on my ute from airflow wow.great bunch of guys.i highy recconmmend crashing car and taking it to airflow panel and paint.thank you so much and for cleaning it and polishing the wheels and ute.it looks like a brand new ute.xheers guys highly highly reccomended massive thank u”
“Excellent dental service - very high-quality work, and top-notch friendly service!”
“Great workers with a good work ethic, but need to learn to communicate with the customer before parking their vehicle on a property without consultation”