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Onelife Insuran
General Business in Auckland area
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Our address
16B Charmaine Road, Charmaine Place,
North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
09 215 6908
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Closed now
Opens in 1 day 1 Hr 15 Min
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“We recently had our boat squabs recovered by Opua Canvas and the outcome was total disappointment. They made an attempt to fix it but still pretty unsightly.”
“I spoke to Mark from Christchurch about a part for my MX 5. He only had a left hand drive one but was sure it would fit. Photos were sent and the part fitted. Thanks for the excellent service. Dave”
Poor workmanship and service
“We had two bathrooms tiled floor to ceiling in a new build architectural house. We were left with chipped tiles and also some tiles that were drumming(not glued down adequately) . We have had to make an insurance claim for the removal of all floor tiles& replacement along with underfloor heating elements which involves the removal of toilets, vanities and bath. Would not recommend Todd Mudie's to anyoine.”
“A horrible person! Verbally abused us in public when we were having a private conversation then verbally abused us for thinking we kill pet pigs. Misheard us, rude and entitled behavior. V Unstable!”