Onekawa Books and Gifts
Bookshops in Napier, Hawke's Bay area
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22 Maadi Road
Hawke's Bay North Island
New Zealand
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Services offered since 1950
Educational Books, Gift Shops and Suppliers, Magazine Retailers, Postal Services, Stationery, Toys, Products, Greeting Cards, CouriersCarft ClassesHandbags and Bags
Expertised in Bookshops
Magazines, Greeting cards and Postal services NZ and International, Watch battery replacement
Areas serviced
Onekawa, Napier Area
Payment options
Additional info
Greeting Cards, Gifts, Maps, Magazines, Cards, Calendars, Children's Books and Adults
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Onekawa Books and Gifts are:
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About Onekawa Books and Gifts
We are a family owned business and one of 2 Independent booksellers in the area. We have over 1100 Styles of Cards, Over 75 Magazine Titles in stock, Gift Ideas and Crafting "Onekawa's Best kept secret" Napier, NZ
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Our property 2 bed sold in 48hours
“Viv knew immediately what we needed. It was so easy. We got a record price in Hobsonville for 2 bed thanks team!”
Haase marshall shoddy work no stars
“terrible, don't go near them”
Great and my dog beau is so excited
“Care and play.my dog loves it”