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Oak Construction Limited
Bathroom Design in Napier, Hawke's Bay area
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Our address
Austin Street & Cadbury Road,
Hawke's Bay, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
06 843 4566
027 5560901
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Services offered
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Expertised in Bathroom Design
Waterproofing, To Customer Requirements, Tiling, Renovations, Remodelling, Plumbing, Painting, Insurance Inspection, Floor Resurfacing, Floor Refinishin
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Napier Area
Additional info
Design Builders, Small Jobs, Free Quotes, Free In-home Consultations, Residential, Vanities, Showers, Flooring, Cabinets
Availability/ Opening hours
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Superb service
“C W Gas is the primary gasfitting company I have used in 40 years.He gets all the stars by me including competence and generosity.”
Poor work and unprofessional behaviour
“They replaced my driveway and now my car scapes entering and exiting, council failed the surface water drainage they installed and HK Concreting (Phil Hurrell) went from we’ll fix it to ignoring my calls and emails. Look elsewhere.”
Numbers posted are not working
“The contact numbers on this ad are not working. The mobile number listed is wrong and does not have any relation to this framer. Please remove this ad from your database.”
“I have suffers from miagrains migraines and have have several operations due to my spine.after a working with gina once it was like a miracle recommend her to anyone”