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Teachers Coaches and Tutors in Whangarei, Northland area
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Our address
20 Shortland Street,
Northland, North Island,
New Zealand
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Services offered
Educational Services, Teachers Coaches and Tutors
Expertised in Teachers Coaches and Tutors
Study Skills,Tutoring service - academic
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Christchurch, Burnside, Rangiora, Cashmere, Akaroa, Ashburton, Amberley, Culverden, Culverden Area
Additional info
Geometry, Algebra, Maths, Reading, English, Spelling, Arithmetic, Youth, Children, Tuition Aid, Tuition Assistance
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business NumberWorks'nWords are:
Closed now
Opens in 6 Hr 2 Min
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“Ed's expertise and personable nature, coupled with the high quality of his workmanship, is an experience second to none in his industry”
“Dan has the most amazing looking welds and has the ability to build anything he imagines in his head. A very talented and respected fabricater . ”
“Donna and Schalk have been looking after my boat and my fathers boat for the last year and have always done a great job. Very good and trustworthy people and we are very luckin in Pauanui to have them running their business. I would recommend them to everyone. ”
Ground Down review
“The Ground Down team have been nothing but lovely to deal with and professional with very competitive pricing. We had quite a complex shared driveway job and their communication and timeline delivery were great.”