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North Otago Transport Limited
Transport Operators in Oamaru, Otago area
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Our address
Pukeuri-Oamaru Road, State Highway 1, 1,
Otago, Waitaki - Otago, South Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
03 433 1288
Our fax
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Our website
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Services offered
General Business, Transport Operators
Expertised in Transport Operators
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Local, Nationwide, Regional, Oamaru Area
Additional info
Trucks, Curtainsiders, Land, Quotes, Contract Rates, Industrial, Commercial, Containers, Freight, Flat Decks, Forklifts
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business North Otago Transport Limited are:
Open Now
Today: 09:00am-05:00pm
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This is what customers say about North Otago Transport Limited
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“Booked 4 times for chimney clean, didn't turn up twice, came wrong week once, 20 minutes late today”
Thank you for careing
“Appreciate your prioritizing the vaccinated to keep your awesome staff and us safe. Very grateful. Ignore the haters and keep up the good work.”
Best coffee ever! our
“Just had to buy the beans after trying the coffee in a lovely wee cafe in Terau. I have almost finished my packet of plunger ccoffee and dont want to drink any other brand so trying to order some on line!”
“One of their drivers on 15th June 2020 in Kumeu at 10.12 am refused to stop having terrorised other motorists at the traffic lights and badly damaged my car. He denies he was there. Photo shows him.”
“Stuart Cunningham painted our house. Paint peeling off within three years had to get it repainted. Next painter said many parts of the house had only had one coat of paint even though paid for two. ”