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North Canterbury Electrical Centre Limited
Electricians in Christchurch area
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Our address
694 Lineside Rd,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
03 313 0000
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Services offered
No services selected yet.
Expertised in Electricians
Inspections, Design, Fault Detection, Renovations, Cabling, Wiring, Maintenance, Repairs, Installation
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Rangiora, Rangiora Area
Additional info
Residential, Industrial, Commercial, Floor Heating, Connections, Lighting
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business North Canterbury Electrical Centre Limited are:
Open Now
Today: 09:00am-05:00pm
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This is what customers say about North Canterbury Electrical Centre Limited
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One in a million :)
“Amazing eye for detail and always prepared to lend a hand. I shall use the services of Wade again when my unit/s need adjustments again.”
“Have been trying to contact you by phone several times, and not getting any response to either of your numbers. 5784182 or5784192 even though these nunbers are listed on line. Would like reply. My number is 5764814. Neville Wilson.”
“Terrible service from the doctors here very mediocre standard of support from them I was left to feel unvalued as a patient and completely ignored I am now reluctant to attend any doctors up here ”
“We hielden absoluut van de stille discobox-ervaring! Het maakte het feest nog specialer en zo, zo leuk! De levering was precies zoals gepland en alles is goed gepland.”