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Nicola Manson
Podiatrists in Nelson Region area
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Our address
9 Burrough Pl Enner Glynn Nelson 7011,
Nelson Region
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
03 547 9696
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Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Nicola Manson are:
Open Now
Today: 09:00am-05:00pm
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“was querying the lady for a delivery in the am. got call in the pm telling not doable. I was trying to explain her understandings were not what I asked for. She insist I was wrong then hung up on me.”
“Rang early NOV . Told busy would come as soon as could. Rang two more times. Finally came 11 JAN ,with 5 minutes notice. Disgusted ! Had given up by then.Lost many plants.”
Wouldn’t use
“Weird guy, really into Trump. Mediocre painter who thinks he’s the shit. Seems to have a high opinion of himself and is condescending, has a victim complex and is creepy. Beware ladies!”
Obnoxious and unprofessional.
“Top coat were doing a job at the neighboring house and had their music excessively loud. When asked to turn it down we were told to fuck off. Don't use these cowboys.”
“Amazing kind and knowledgeable doctor in the areas of occupational health and treatment”