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NES Hire Limited
Pumps Hire in Waihi, Waikato area
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Our address
3 Dean Crescent,
Waikato, Hauraki, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
0800 999 582
07 863 9200
Our fax
07 863 9207
Our website
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Services offered since 2007
Generators, Pumps Hire
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Waihi, Waihi Area
Payment options
Cash, Direct Credit (Internet banking, phone banking), Personal Cheques, Direct Debit, Credit Terms Available, Travellers Cheques
Additional info
Consultations, Service Calls, Pick-ups, Quotes, Delivery, Drop Offs, Phone Orders, Same Day Service, Reservations, Online Services, Submersible, Gray Water, Oil, Mining, Centrifugal, Groundwater, Water, Diesel, Effluent
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business NES Hire Limited are:
Open Now
Today: 24 hr
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A liar
“Anne Raethel is a liar. When acting in a a family court case Mz. Raethel made outrageous claims, outside the remit of her involvement and outside her ability and training. Despite these being made in open court, Mz. Raethel denied ever having said them when a complaint was made to the Psychologists board. If the claims to the board were made under oath, as I suspect, then Mz. Raethel is also a perjurer. I would advise anyone who has her involved in any capacity, seek her replacement.”
I am MJ Collins Dawson
“The information given is incorrect..name, services which are free and voluntary, phone number. There are no set hours of opening. This site has not been authorised to list any of my details. Go to the national site for correct informaionabout Justices of the Peace.”
Contact details missing
“Hello, I need whatsApp number, email or social media website to be able to contact Executive taskforce in Auckland”
“I have always had such good service at my local testing station.I also feel secure knowing they do a very thorough test.”