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Motueka Riverstay
Holiday Accommodation in Ngatimoti area
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Our address
1085 Motueka River West Bank Rd,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
03 526 8767
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Services offered since 2004
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Areas serviced
we are providing services in Motueka Valley, Motueka Area
Payment options
Cash, Personal Cheques
Additional info
Reservations, Kitchens, Garden, Restaurants, Guest Rooms, Laundry Facilities, Phones, Towels, Alarm Clocks, Ironing Boards, Microwave Ovens, Refrigerators, Internet Access, Maps, Fax Machines
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Motueka Riverstay are:
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“The place is filthy. The fridge freezers still had blood in them, and didnt go properly. The toilets were never cleaned properly, the recreation room was used as the managers private bar, lots of permanents, some love but some toxic. The disabled toilet was illegal, and the women's toilets would often smell. The kitchen was dirty and cold with ovens that did not work properly. How it passed Council inspections I don't know. Don't go.”
Beautiful selection and variety
“Could not be happier with Big Trees for their expertise and guidance with helping us choose pleached trees for a privacy hedge. Couldn’t meet a nicer bunch of hardworking people. We are going back to talk about another hedge project. We are all in!”
Verybad dishonest company
“As a tenant they had found a damage to side of a bedroom window which we never caused but because I had not taken photograph before moving in I had no evidence other than my word which they obviously were able to deduct from our bond when we left the property. They were also racist and assumed I was samoan when I'm not. Hate to say but if this company still exists I hope they burn down as it was the worst treatme t I've ever experienced.”
Dismissive and rude
“Debbie (owner)replied to my enquiry of 5 question with a dismissive answer of “No sorry”. Very unhelpful. Only got 1 star because I had to give them something to post review”