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Motordrome Tyre and Auto Services
Warrant of Fitness in Hastings area
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Our address
St Aubyn St E & Hastings St N,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
06 878 8147
06 878 8070
Our fax
06 876 5780
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Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Motordrome Tyre and Auto Services are:
Open Now
Today: 07:30am-05:00pm
Services offered since 1991
Automotive Repairs, Warrant of Fitness
Expertised in Warrant of Fitness
Tune-ups, Pre-purchase Inspections, Oil Changes, Engine Rebuilding, 10,000 km Service
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Saint Leonards, Hastings Area
Payment options
MasterCard, Cash, Personal Cheques, Financing Available, Credit Terms Available, Direct Debit, Direct Credit (Internet banking, phone banking), Gift Vou
Additional info
Trailers, Cars, 4WD, Power Steering, Suspension Systems
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This is what customers say about Motordrome Tyre and Auto Services
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Good fast and efficient
“Only coin laundry I know of not to busy lots of dryers tidy can get change at the bar next door”
Absolutely crap
“Foul disgusting man, the king of bullshit would totally avoid at all cost!”
My preferred specialist
“Great with customer care. Does an awesome job, very responsible work ethic.”
“Donna and Schalk have been looking after my boat and my fathers boat for the last year and have always done a great job. Very good and trustworthy people and we are very luckin in Pauanui to have them running their business. I would recommend them to everyone. ”