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Mortimer Hirst Optometrists est 1951
Optometrists in Auckland area
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Our address
9 High St,
New Zealand
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09 379 8950
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Services offered since 1951
Contact Lenses, Optometrists
Expertised in Optometrists
Surgeons Referrals
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Auckland Central, Auckland City
Payment options
MasterCard, Cash, Gift Vouchers, Direct Debit, EFTPOS, American Express, VISA
Additional info
Corneal Refractive Therapy, Behavioural Optometrists, Therapeutic Optometrists, Digital Colour Imaging, Eye Exams
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Mortimer Hirst Optometrists est 1951 are:
Closed now
Opens in 6 Hr 57 Min
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This is what customers say about Mortimer Hirst Optometrists est 1951
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“Ed's expertise and personable nature, coupled with the high quality of his workmanship, is an experience second to none in his industry”
“Terrible service from an extremely rude man who tried to rip us off by taking us the long way home and who didn’t like being challenged about it. Will ever use again.”
“Don’t share any personal information with them. There was a serious breach of privacy resulting in an official ID document being publicly avaiable on their website.”
“I am so thankful to Elaine for being so accommodating and seeing to my request immediately, after a couple of my failed tries at 2 JP clinics on the North Shore, due to services being over subscribed. Elaine was very pleasant and efficient at her task. Thank you very much.”
Former client
“Excellent service when I was working for the company, I would be very happy to join to be a member again and to bank with them.”