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Moopnar M
Dentists in Huntly, Waikato area
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Our address
156 Main Street,
Waikato, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
07 828 7472
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Services offered
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Expertised in Dentists
Teeth Cleaning, Preventive Care, Check-ups, Teeth Whitening
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Huntly, Huntly Area
Additional info
Dental Hygienists, Extractions, Fillings, Implants, Cosmetic Dentistry, Crowns
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Moopnar M are:
Closed now
Opens in 19 Hr 13 Min
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“Pauanui Service Centre saved us in a stressful moment! Amazing service and so friendly.”
Amazing finish 😉👍👍
“I coukdnt believe the finish on my ute from airflow wow.great bunch of guys.i highy recconmmend crashing car and taking it to airflow panel and paint.thank you so much and for cleaning it and polishing the wheels and ute.it looks like a brand new ute.xheers guys highly highly reccomended massive thank u”
Jennings Jewelers
“I live in the states and bought a watch from Trade Me, I had a friend- Co-worker from Gisborne bring in my Michael Kors watch for a battery, That was 10 days ago, I feel like its taking a long time for a battery. This watch is for our boss, my co- worker still need to send the watch to me here in the states. I'm getting worried it will not make it here for his birthday. Fingers crossed I hear something this week. Debbie Santos. GM Hilton Hotels, NJ”
Christmas time dog care
“My very little dog was looked after through the Christmas - New Year period by K9 and Katz. He is 3 years and never stayed away from his family, we were quite worried but... he came back in beautiful condition, smelling lovely and happy. Looks like he had a great holiday too. Thanks so fo much!! Highly recommended!”
“The place is filthy. The fridge freezers still had blood in them, and didnt go properly. The toilets were never cleaned properly, the recreation room was used as the managers private bar, lots of permanents, some love but some toxic. The disabled toilet was illegal, and the women's toilets would often smell. The kitchen was dirty and cold with ovens that did not work properly. How it passed Council inspections I don't know. Don't go.”