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Moerewa Christian Fellowship
Churches in Moerewa, Northland area
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Our address
52 Otiria Road,
Northland, Far North, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
09 404 1274
Our fax
Our website
No website yet.
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Services offered since 1981
No services selected yet.
Expertised in Churches
Sunday School, Bible Study,
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Ohaeawai, Ohaeawai Area
Additional info
Youth Camps, Music, Prayer Meetings, Missions, Retreats, Fellowships, Food Ministry, Family Nights, Potlucks, Choir, Outreach
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Moerewa Christian Fellowship are:
Open Now
Today: 09:00am-03:00pm
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This is what customers say about Moerewa Christian Fellowship
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Fish & Chips
“Enjoyed my fish and chips but was surprised to find paywave charges were applied to my account. Should let people know if this is happening. (signage)”
I am MJ Collins Dawson
“The information given is incorrect..name, services which are free and voluntary, phone number. There are no set hours of opening. This site has not been authorised to list any of my details. Go to the national site for correct informaionabout Justices of the Peace.”
Carl Horn. The man.
“Amazing job smashed it out fair price no mucking about very helpful with all aspects of the job. Would hire again .”
“My daughters hair was done by an amateur. Never will go back, not even to try fix it for free, i back there !!!! ”