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Mixt Art and Design
Gift Shops and Suppliers in Auckland area
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Our address
504 New North Road,
North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
09 846 9270
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Areas serviced
we are providing services in Kingsland, Auckland City
Additional info
Phone Orders, Art, T shirts, Souvenirs, Cosmetics, Chimes, Baskets, Crafts, Cups, Collectibles, Gift Wrap, Novelties, Frames, Cards, Jewellery
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Mixt Art and Design are:
Closed now
Opens in 18 Hr 52 Min
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“I have suffers from miagrains migraines and have have several operations due to my spine.after a working with gina once it was like a miracle recommend her to anyone”
“they put a new element in our hot water cylinder but left without turning on the solar water again...result is 1 year pump running dry so the bearings are shot and no solar heated water for the whole year, now expensive to fix after they stuffed up”
“Did not bring the right tools to the job and still charged. Peter seems like someone who will fleece you for every penny”
JLT913 Toyota prius
“Driving all over the road, driving really slow about 40km per hour. Doesn't know how to drive on these roads, constant braking when not needing to. Unsafe driver on the roads. Was pulling out to oncoming lane to come around cars .”
Beautiful bathrooms
“Jenny designed for us absolutely beautiful, timeless bathrooms . Everyone who visits are so complementary. She was also lovely to work with”