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Mills Albert Limited Contractors
General Business in Paraparaumu, Wellington area
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Our address
141 Matai Road,
Wellington, Kapiti Coast, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
04 905 8683
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Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Mills Albert Limited Contractors are:
Open Now
Today: 09:00am-05:00pm
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“I can only plant a seed: You and God must make it grow and He gives everyone free will to Believe anything they want. My prayer request: I pray that God will give everyone there eyes to see and ear”
“Lies to customers about other businesses, then says we do servicing. Says to let your car fail its wof as they have a rail quota to fill and they will pull you up for wheel nuts. Utter rubbish flowing from his mouth. Aluminium wheel nuts where banned into 2016 and factory wheels won't have Aluminium wheel nuts. We watched him tell the story to a little old lady who was bought into every word. Shameful, dishonest, so unprofessional”
“If it wasn’t for Marilyn’s clear, creative, warm and very supportive counseling, I would be a different person. I have done Psychodrama, personal counseling, playback theatre and weekend workshops. ”
Solid Effort
“Thank you for your courage today. Wellington says a huge thank you!”
Wouldn’t use
“Weird guy, really into Trump. Mediocre painter who thinks he’s the shit. Seems to have a high opinion of himself and is condescending, has a victim complex and is creepy. Beware ladies!”