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Mick Smith Flooring
Flooring in Dunedin, Otago area
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Our address
45 Magdala Street,
Otago, South Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
021 129 5247
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Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Mick Smith Flooring are:
Open Now
Today: 09:00am-05:00pm
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“John is an experienced lawyer who has worked to gain me a protection and parenting order. His diverse legal experience and knowledge is a huge asset. He was strategic, I’m very happy with results.”
Greg's a pedophile
“Greg followed me home as a child ,blocked me from talking to my mother greg I'm gna get my time if pulling ur ship takes me down I get happy”
Superb service over many years.
“I don’t know how Geoff does it but when he has been it is as though there is no glass in my windows they are so clean!!”
Worst medical practise in Taranaki
“Dr Chang is a dangerous practioner, who refuses to listen to paitents or apply a standard of care, center managment will not feild complaints regarding his conduct, is the focus of multiple serious complaints”
Very thorough and hard working cleaners
“I have used them for one off cleaning and they are very thorough and the cost is very reasonable too”