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Metalman NZ
Scrap Metal Dealers in Invercargill, Southland area
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Our address
35 Inglewood Road,
Southland, South Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
0800 638 256
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Services offered
No services selected yet.
Expertised in Scrap Metal Dealers
Recycling, Maintenance,
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Wanganui Area
Additional info
Cars, Vehicles, Cars, Aluminium, Iron, Stainless Steel, Scrap Metal, Brass, Copper, Steel, Cast Iron, Commercial, Scrap Yards
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Metalman NZ are:
Closed now
Opens in 11 Hr 20 Min
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“My experience with Richard, the owner of RIO Motor Body works is really bad.He charged me 1000 NZD for a simple job where I could have saved 700 NZD if I take it to other repairer.Don't ever go to him”
Podiatrist in my home, very good service
“Rachel is very professional and friendly, she is excellent and takes great care. This is important to me as an elderly person.”
Didn't really care
“I contacted tthem and the guy that answered fobbed me off and didn't even suggest anyone else to do the job. I understand you may be busy but they're is such a thing as customer service. Would never ring them again”
Dishonest, fraudsers
“We paid for advertising they did not post and refused to give money back they cannot be trusted with your business they will run you arround and not reply to you. Doing business with them is as risky as eating a cancerous growth in your meat sandwich”
“Absolutely amazing. Certainly not a permanent fix... but life is now so much more bearable and enjoyable.”